01 November 2005

The Secret Paralysis Of Walter Mitty

Hey guys, it's Donnie...Way back in July, we told you that Owen Wilson had signed on to play the title role in The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty, a remake of a 1947 film based on a short story by James Thurber. Well, it seems a part of Wilson's contract stated that he would star if the powers-that-be managed to cast a female lead in a timely fashion. Scarlett Johansson came in to screen test this past month, but that's about as far as it went, and so The Butterscotch Stallion has moved on to greener pastures as it were.

What does this do for the project? Well, it's a little unclear at this point. They've basically gotta go back to square one and recast the title role and rumors have begun swirling that Zach Braff is favored, probably because he's also rumored to be the favorite to fill Chevy Chase's shoes in Fletch Won (both films would have Braff essentially playing a number of different characterizations). Johansson is apparently still interested, although I'm unsure if producers would want to bring her on alongside Braff, as she would perhaps overshadow him in the sense of box-office draw. Either way, I'd love to see Braff take over as Mitty (or as Fletch for that matter). I think he'd bring a much simpler sort of feel to the film than Wilson would. Wilson makes it a "comedy event", whereas Braff is just damn funny, and would be infinitely more convincing as the downtrodden everyman.


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