25 July 2005

Remember That Southland Tales Storyboard From ComicCon?

Hey guys, it's Donnie...Remember that Southland Tales storyboard I mentioned that was shown at ComicCon? Well it's made its way online and it's....well....bizzarely awesome I suppose. If there's one thing that Richard Kelly knows how to do, it's promote his films via really sweet web design. There are currently three Southland Tales websites up and running: Here's the first one, which is now featuring the ComicCon storyboard. The second is the homepage for Sarah Michelle Gellar's porn star character, Krysta Now. Be sure to check out the lyrics for Krysta's song, "Teen Horniness Is Not A Crime". Oh man, I hope we get to see Buffy do a little song and dance. Finally is the actual site for the film, which has been up for just over a year now. They recently added a teaser poster, but other than that. the site is like a giant puzzle, and they keep adding more and more content over time. I've been checking it out somewhat compulsively recently, trying to put together all the bits of the puzzle while listening to that awesome music. I invite you to do the same. Tell me if you don't get frustrated once you hit the end...


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