09 June 2005

Quentin and Rodriguez At It Again

Hey guys, it's Donnie...well pass me a glass of warm Chango and crank up the projector, cuz I'm pretty stoked for this. Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez are gonna keep riding the collaboration train to cinematic glory. Their next project is called Grind House. What's a grind house you ask? Grind house refers to a specific type of movie house: dark, dank, dirty and probably smelling of urine. They were prevelant in big cities in the 70s and they showed cheap, indie, gore infested horror flicks that no "respectable theater" would dare to show. So instead, QT and RR are gonna force it down their throats.

Grind House will consist of two horror flicks, one by Quentin and one by Rodriquez, each running roughly an hour. At the outset and between each flick will be some (fictional) trailers, all made by other directors TBA. Both flicks are gonna be shot in Austin TX, and it will all be done digitally and then fucked with in post to give it a grainy, saturated, film stock quality. Hell, they're even going to insert a few intentional "bad splices" and shit like that.

Finally, and I think this might be my favorite part, in California, QT's flick will play first. In Texas, Rodriguez's flick will play first. Everywhere else? It's the projectionist's discretion, as is the order of the trailers. How insane is that? Talk about a great way to replicate the environment.

The flick was announced last week, which means that Rodriguez's flick should be done by tomorrow night, while QT probably won't get around to his until late 2007. Either way, hopefully will be in for crazy shit like this picture I found when I searched for "grind house"...


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