Mason Dixon Is Tiny

I've given this project more than a bit of guff cuz...well, come on, how can you not? It's so easy! But, truth be told, I actually love the Rocky movies, even Rocky IV and its propensity for flashback and training montages. (Balboa climbing the mountain in Russia is possibly the most brilliant moment in the whole franchise.) If there's a Rocky movie on TV, I'll watch it. Moreover, Rocky is one of the first movies I can remember seeing as a kid and thinking that it was "a grown up movie," not because there was "bad language and kissing and stuff", but because it just had this sense of...maturity. The dark and dank environment of the film, the gruff was like a peek into a world I had never seen before in Boston suburbia, and I couldn't help but feel like there was more happening on screen than I was understanding. And so I will forever have a soft spot for Rocky movies. That being said, Rocky V was gut-wrenchingly painful. The basic premise was actually pretty interesting, but it was executed so poorly that it made my head hurt. Thusly, I can't help but want to see Rocky Balboa kick unholy ass, if only so the franchise doesn't end in the goddamn toilet.

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